Bring along your tablet, laptop or sometimes your smartphone packed with videos for camping out with your family.
This is something I've learned through trial and error. My mom has been on my back all week, telling me to prepare this and keep in mind that. I told her only my excitement at going on the first camping trip ever with my kids and her grandkids. And here she was exhaling and puffing up with directions and tips for every scenario. I don't mind my mother's talk. Listening to her lectures makes me feel uneasy. And that was a big mistake, as I've figured out the next day... or two..

We left with our vehicle to drive it all up to the campsite. I was trying to recreate the same kind of camping experience that I had with my father back in the past, so I chose one of the more remote places which, as it transpired later was located in a huge no-service area. save video This meant that our smartphones were not working, and we were pretty much alone, with no other camper to be seen. It's okay. I had hoped for an amazing time off at work.. Three days in the wilderness, surrounded by nature.. Within 24 hours of our camping adventure, we were returning to the car.
What did you do? We didn't have Internet, we had no bars, and we didn't have anything... I had a laptop and two games online but couldn't even take it out of the bags.. I had a beautiful backdrop for the trees in order to watch the tiny projector I took with me for nice large-screen effects movies, but no Internet to access Hulu or Netflix. Netflix, no Disney+.. What an absolute mess.. My children were a total pain to watch. They wanted to check their email and texts, keep on top of school things and so on. I couldn't take it any longer and we packed our bags for the return trip. My kids sound like little piglets enjoying delicious food when we got out of the wifi-less zone. Really... Don't think I'm being naive I love my children.. That was just embarrassing. They squealed and groaned as their phones began to sound, alerting them to new messages on their phones.
Since then, my plans have been improved and I strive to avoid getting stuck in an area that doesn't have internet access. When we took a trip on the boat to get to our destination, we had to have our new best buddies. Two laptops and tablets were packed with Hulu offline video downloads, Netflix movies and show on one device and all my music videos on another. I also had the Windows app store that has both Hulu apps as well as Netflix apps. I have over 600 hours of content to watch and the complete episodes from South Park, Friends, Will & Grace and Friends seasons.
There are a ton of YouTube videos with funny stuff for children. I downloaded a few Youtube music videos, and converted a few to mp3 format. Some videos I downloaded with help this web app, it allows me to get video downloaded directly to my laptop, and then I can play it at any time without Internet, just give me an electrical outlet, in case you need to recharge. I DVR many television shows, movies and online seminar. I save these as mp4 to my laptop and then play them later with VLC and KMP or any other video player that supports 4k.
Another important thing I insist on is 4K. Have you watched this? The video is incredible. I would recommend this television. Televisions that are capable of 4K video are equipped with wonderful software that enhances the quality and upscales the picture. The TV transforms old videos into something much better. Highly recommended to anyone, both girls and boys.